Bus services from Mohakhali terminal resumes after 5-hr suspension

Transport workers of the city's Mohakhali Bus Terminal stopped the plying of buses from Tuesday morning centering beating of a bus driver in the terminal area.
Transport workers of the city's Mohakhali Bus Terminal stopped the plying of buses from Tuesday morning centering beating of a bus driver in the terminal area.

Long-route bus services from Mohakhali terminal was resumed after five hours of suspension on Tuesday.
Transport workers suspended the service around 6 am protesting the assaulting on a fellow driver.
No long route buses left the terminal in the morning, said Traffic Inspector Akhter Hossain.
Later, the service was resumed around 11am following a fruitful meeting between police officials and leaders of transport workers, said the traffic inspector.
Locals said an altercation took place between the driver of an ‘Ena Paribahan’ bus and local people over using hydraulic horn in front of icddr,b Mohakhali office around 11pm on Monday.
At one stage, the bus driver was hit on his head, they said.
