Burning 5-year-old baby to deny fathership by rape is heinous

A FIVE-year-old child, who was born due to rape, was burnt critically at a village in Jhikargachha, Jashore. It is suspected that the baby’s biological father attempted to kill the baby to deprive him of his property as the boy was his son, which was proved through DNA test. The baby was rushed to Jashore General Hospital on Thursday and, as his condition deteriorated, he was shifted to Khulna Medical College Hospital. The social values of this conservative society have evaporated and the rules of laws are absent. When the rapist is supposed to stay in jail, instead he is threatening the life of the minor. We think the act of the rapist is a big slap to the country’s legal system. Does the judiciary think?
The baby’s maternal grandmother told journalists that the baby went to sleep on Wednesday night and, in the early hours of Thursday, she suddenly woke up and saw the fire in which her daughter’s son was burnt. The grandmother said that Daud raped her daughter about five years ago but did not marry her.
Mysteriously, the society is tolerant of rape and the women’s status and security deteriorated in the years of lawlessness and injustice. Undeniably, men around power trend to commit violence against women and children as they think they will award sure impunity and shelter from their political leaders. On the other hand, in the years the image of police sharply deteriorated for their partisan role, subservient attitude, sheltering criminals, and indulging in crimes.
Amending laws could not protect women from violence. To decrease violence against women, the ruling party must snap relation with criminals, thugs, and stop support to anti-social elements, stop political intervention in judicial, administrative, and academic activities. The society must uphold its historical legacy, promote social, religious, and family values, and teach boys and girls to be respectful to the opposite sex. To solve the problem, we must focus on the core problems and this is impunity and cultural aggression.