Burn injured youth dies at DMCH

UNB, Dhaka :
A young man, who suffered burn injuries in a fire incident in the city on April 3, died at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) here on Wednesday morning.
The deceased was identified as Tariqul Sardar,23,, son of Bahar Uddin Sardar, a resident of Piarpur village in Ishwardi upazila of Pabna district.
Tariqul, who received 22 percent burn injures in the incident, succumbed to his injuries at the intensive care unit of the DMCH at about 10:00 am, hospital sources said.
On April 3, a fire broke out from a stove when Tariqul was cooking at night at Basila Beribandh in the city’s Mohammadpur area during storm, leaving Tariqul injured.