Bureaucratic complications hit transit-transhipment thru’ Ctg Port

CCC Mobile court evicted unauthorized shops at Agrabad CDA area in the city yesterday.
CCC Mobile court evicted unauthorized shops at Agrabad CDA area in the city yesterday.

The transit -transhipment of cargos through Chittagong Port is possible with the existing the advantages.
But the Port officials and Port users sources said transportation of containers through road, rail or marine routes should ensured . Meanwhile Port users sources said the great obstructions towards transit-transhipment is bureaucratic complications.
 Due to negative approach and the non-cooperation of port officials , a number of transhipment proposals returned by the s hipping agencies and these shipping companies decided not to undertake transshipment through CP.
The shipping agents alleged that they had to face utter sufferings taking transshipment cargos lack of proper monitoring of the port authority . Port officials said with the present handling equipments , more than 17 lakh TEUs containers are handled in the port annually and handling increasing by 2 lakh TEUs every year on average . In 2014, port handles17lakh 30 thousand 120 /TEUs containers and the existing capacity of port is 30 lakh TEUs per year. So with the present existing equipments, transit-transhipment is possible for the next 6 years.
 The concerned port users observed that concerned authorities should think about the measures and preservation of cargo laden containers in port yard and procedures of realizing custom duties are essential . The sources said cargo laden containers will go to Assam, Tripura,Nepal, Bhutan through transit package through CP but the road and rail communications need to be developed . Besides, CP and Customs have not any separate desk to conduct the transshipment cargo smoothly without any hassle otherwise desired results of transshipment is impossible , sources added.
According to port sources, with the present trend of container handling in CP, the volume of handling will increase to 24 lakh TEUS by 2016 . And hence, port officials assumes that the loading unloading of cargo laden containers will not create any problems to port but problems will arise on transportation of containers to and from CP. Meanwhile General Manager of Min Sheng Shipping Lines Khairul Islam told that they are not taking transshipment order due to negative attitudes of the port workers . Min Sheng Shipping line first of all took responsibility of transportation of containers of India .
 Sources said they had suffered a lot to tranship the Indian cargo laden containers to desired destination, as such they refused further transshipment orders. Allegeding the mismanagement of Port and Customs,Shipping manager Khairul Islam told that desired goal of translhipment business no possible through Chittagong Port.Khairul Islam also blamed the port officials for their annoyance in transit-transhipment business through CP because port workers are the govt employees .
 The volume of work in CP will increase if transshipment business goes high speed but their fixed salaries will not increase, port workers observe, sources said. He also blamed the concerned officials of port and customs for demanding bribe money in every steps of container shipment . They have no nationalism rather pocketism, he added. It is also complained that some time the location of container not traced without tips money, which also reported to higher officials but no results to resolve the complaints. Due to these unexpected reasons, the said shipping company refused transshipment of 30 cargo laden containers of Kolkhata Port of India to Middle East , shipping company sources said. Mentionable that these cargos will go to ME through Colomboo Port instead of Chittagong Port.
