Burden of increased train fares


THE newly fixed increased train fares have come into effect from Saturday, as per media outlets, despite criticism against widespread corruption, misuse of public money and wrong policy that made the state-run railways a losing concern. The increased fare would only put burden on common people while the Bangladesh Railway did not increase the quality of services to passengers. Passenger fares have gone up by 7-9 percent route-wise following the enforcement of the fare hike which was declared on February 7 last. Comparatively a safer mode of communication, railways have failed to become a popular means of transport to commuters amidst the horrific traffic congestion and long tailbacks common in our capital. Without freeing the railway from corruption, only hiking fares would not ensure quality service. It would rather mount a pressure on the commuters to avoid using trains forcing the ministry to suffer losses as usual. Interest of bus and truck owners is being held high.
While the Railway Ministry proposed to increase train fares every year by adjusting fuel prices, maintenance costs and staff salaries, experts alleged that the local road transport bus syndicates and international automobile manufacturers’ lobby jointly and deliberately destroyed railways for their own interest. So, it is not justified to put the burden of railway’s losses on passengers as it incurs losses due to incompetence and misuse of public money. Earlier in 2012, the railway had increased train fares ranging between 50 per cent and 115 per cent. After hiking fares in 2012 showing the excuse of incurring losses, the railways had promised to improve its service quality but failed to either redress the loss or improve service. Unless corruption looting, land grabbing and the adoption of wrong policies are not stopped, the national service will not be turned into a profitable venture and till that time the railways should refrain from increasing train fares. Frequent increase in railway fares would exert chain-effects on the economy resulting in a price-hike of most commodities and services. We can say it with certainty that for such increase in fare, the railway will suffer more losses, not less.
Amidst the growing concern of environmental safety, and horrendous traffic jam on roads, modernization of railway with satisfactory service could popularize railway transport amongst the vast majority of our middle class. For that, the national service must free itself from corruption and introduce modern locomotives and affordable freights to attract passengers and cargo.
