Bumper winter vegetables production in Netrakona

KATIADI (Kishoreganj): Huge local made wine was recovered at Katiadi in Kishoreganj recently.
KATIADI (Kishoreganj): Huge local made wine was recovered at Katiadi in Kishoreganj recently.
BSS, Netrakona :
A bumper production of winter vegetables to the tune of more than one lakh tonnes is expected to be achieved in the district during the current.
The assessment was made recently by experts of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) following inspection of a good number of winter vegetables fields in all the 10 upazilas of the district.
According to the experts, farmers in the district have brought 5,550 hectares of land under winter vegetable cultivation during the season against the target of 5,525 hectares.
They said harvesting of winter vegetables, including tomato, bean, bringal, cauliflower, cavage, carrot, radies, gourd and bottle gourd, has already begun. The kitchen markets of the district are now flooded with winter vegetables with prices remaining within the purchasing capacity of the consumers.
Deputy director of the DAE Bilash Chandra Paul said farmers of the district have achieved a tremendous success in producing winter vegetables during the current season as different state-run agencies, including BADC and BCIC, supplied quality seeds, fertilizers and other agricultural inputs to the growers.
