Bumper summer vegetables output expected in Rangpur

RANGPUR: Farmers expecting bumper production of summer vegetables in Rangpur Agriculture Region after exceeding the fixed farming target by 3 .95 percent during this Kharip-1 season.
RANGPUR: Farmers expecting bumper production of summer vegetables in Rangpur Agriculture Region after exceeding the fixed farming target by 3 .95 percent during this Kharip-1 season.
BSS, Rangpur :
The farmers are expecting a super bumper production of summer vegetables during this Kharip-1 season in Rangpur agriculture region after exceeding the fixed farming target by 3.95 percent.
Officials of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) said all varieties of summer vegetables have already appeared abundantly in local markets with excellent price bringing smile to farmers everywhere in the region.
The DAE has fixed a production target of 3.91-lakh tonnes of summer vegetables from 22,259 hectares of land in all five districts of Rangpur agriculture region for this season.
“However, farmers have cultivated summer vegetables on 23,138 hectares of
land, 879 hectares or 3.95 percent higher than the fixed farming target,”
Horticulture Specialist of the DAE at its regional office Khondker Md
Mesbahul Islam told BSS today.
The farmers have cultivated summer vegetables on 7,845 hectares of land in
Rangpur, 4,350 hectares in Gaibandha, 4,650 hectares in Lalmonirhat, 2,255 hectares in Nilphamari and 4,038 hectares of land in Kurigram districts in the region.
“The DAE and other agriculture related institutions and organisations and
NGOs supplied quality seed, inputs, agri-loans and assistance to farmers to make the intensive summer vegetables cultivation programme successful,” Islam said.
Additional Director of DAE for Rangpur region Muhammad Ali said farmers are cultivating vegetables on more lands, including homesteads and char areas, as many of them changed fortune by farming vegetables twice annually in last 10 years.
Talking to BSS, farmers Abdul Haque of Ranipukur village in Mithapukur upazila of Rangpur expressed satisfaction over excellent output of different varieties of summer vegetables this time and fair price in local markets.
Farmer Monirul Haque of Saddyapuskorini union in Rangpur Sadar upazila said he has been cultivating 10 to 12 varieties of vegetables on his two bighas of land for the past 11 years and achieved self-reliance to lead better life.
“I am expecting a super bumper output of summer vegetables during this
Kharip-1 season as harvest of the crop continues in full swing now,” he said expressing pleasure over the present markets price of his produce.
Farmer Alam Hossain of Charitabari village in Aditmari upazila of Lalmonirhat said he earns over Taka four lakh annually by cultivating vegetables on his one bigha land to lead happier life and his children are getting proper education.
Similarly, farmers Echhahaq Ali, Aiyub Hossain, Shamsuzzaman, Korban Ali, Tofazzal Hossain and Mokhlesur Rahman of different villages in Rangpur, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat predicted bumper production of vegetables this time.
They also termed vegetable cultivation their farm-lands and homesteads as one of the most profitable venture than farming many other crops to achieve self-reliance in shorter periods.
Vegetable-trader Joynal Abedin at Rangpur City Bazar Market today said despite plentiful supply of summer vegetables, the farmers are getting fair price in the local markets.

“Besides, huge quantities of summer vegetables are being sent to Dhaka, Gazipur and many other parts of the country by 80 to 100 trucks daily from different points of all five districts in the region.
President of Rangpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mostafa Sohrab
Chowdhury Titu stressed on setting up of agro-based industries and enhancing export of locally produced vegetables to make vegetable farming more profitable to farmers.
