Bumper production of tomato on sand-bed changes lot of 400 farmers in Gafargaon


Arshad Ahmed Asad, Gafargaon, Mymensingh :
Tomato has been cultivated more than 150 hectres of land at Gafargaon under Mymensingh this year .
 Specially , the wheels of fortune of 400 farmers have been changed by cultivating pumpkin in the different villages of Datterbazar, Tangabo and Charalgi Union of this Upazila.
Now the farmers are very happy to get bumper production of tomato in the fields of this horaizon in this upazila . The farmers are very willing to cultivate other vegetables including tomato in this agricultural fields to get much profit . The sweet-pumpkin produced in these unions is being exported in the capital city Dhaka and throughout the whole country.
At present, tomato is being produced largely in the villages of Bakhali, Bashia and Tangabo of Tangabo Union, Charshanchura, Khurshidmahal, Gavishimul villages of Panchbag Union, Baluakanda, Joyerchar and Charalgi village of Charalgi Union, Datterbazar and rural areas of Neguari Union. Sweet-pumpkin is being reached the businessmen in capital city Dhaka and other places of this country. The farmers informed the sale of tomato is about to end.
 Under the supervision of the local Agriculture Office , the farmers are being trained to cultivate vegetables free of poison and so most of the produced vegetables are free from poison at Gafargaon.
 The vegetables produced in this area is being supplied at Mawna in Gajipur and Chandona including other places of this country.
 Farmer Murshid Mea of Bamonkhali village informed , he has cultivated tomato in his 10 acre of land. At this he spent TK- 3 lakh. He has sold tomato about TK- 8 lakh three times. The sale of tomato is about to end now.
Farmer Manik Mea of the same village informed, he has cultivated 2.50 acre land . He spent TK-60 thousand and he has sold tomato about TK- 2 lakh. Besides, In these villages Tangabo Bamonkhali, Bottola Abdul Razzak, – 1.50 acre, Al Amin -1.50 acre, Abdul Baten- 1 acre, Husen Mea- 2.50 acre , Zahirul-1 acre, Rais Uddin- 2 acre, Belal- 4 acre land of three villages have been cultivated tomato . At least more than 150 farmers have cultivated tomato in their lands. They are benefitted to get bumper production of tomato. Besides, about 250 farmers of Charalgi, Datterbazar and Panchbag unions have cultivated tomato in their lands. Housewife Hajera of Bot tola village said, she could work everyday for Tk-250 wages . Her whole family depends on her income. She has to depend on this season since she can not work another time.
 Upazila Agriculture Officer SS Farhana Hussain said, tomato has been produced bumper this time at Tangabo, Charalgi, Neguari, and Datterbazar unions.
The bumper production of tomato has been become record than the previous years. The farmers of tomato are getting much benefitted to get bumper production.
Tangabo UP Chairman Md. Mufazzal Hussain Sagor said, bumper production of vegetables achieved due to favourable weather at the remote char areas.
