Bumper Parija rice production expected

BSS, Rangpur :
Excellent growth of the indigenous Parija rice plants amid favourable climatic condition predicts its bumper production as additional Aus crop in Rangpur division during the off-season period this year.
RDRS Bangladesh, a reputed NGO, has taken an extensive programme for cultivation of the eco- friendly, short duration and indigenous variety parija rice on 2,200 bigha lands in Rangpur division this year.
Earlier, the farmers completed transplantation of Parija rice seedling by May 31 last and the plants are growing excellent now without supplementary irrigation using seasonal rainfalls in Rangpur division.
Agriculture and Environment Coordinator Mamunur Rashid of RDRS Bangladesh said the NGO has distributed 11,250 kilogram seed among 2,200 farmers and each of them has cultivated parija rice on one bigha land this year.
The NGO has distributed parija rice seed among 2,200 new beneficiary farmers under its core and Krishi Gobeshona Foundation-Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agriculture University (KGF-BSMRAU) supported Crop Intensification Project.
Getting the assistance, the beneficiary framers prepared parija rice seedbeds in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Nilphamari, Thakurgaon, Lalmonirhat, Dinajpur and Panchagarh districts and completed seedling transplantation by May last.
Under the programme, 1,500 farmers have cultivated parija rice adopting the early Aman rice-mustard/potato-mungbean-parija cropping pattern evolved by RDRS Bangladesh while 750 others after harvesting Aman-wheat/tobacco-maize this season.
“We have been expanding parija farming as Aus crop during the off season period between Boro and Aman cultivations to adapt with climate change impacts by keeping cereal food productions increasing,” said Mamunur Rashid.
Under the programme, 200 farmers have cultivated parija rice in 200 bigha lands each in Rangpur and Lalmonirhat, 250 farmers in 250 bigha lands each in Panchagarh and Thakurgaon, 500 farmers in 500 bigha lands in Dinajpur, 400 farmers in 400 bigha lands in Nilphamari and 450 framers in 450 bigha lands in Gaibandha this season.
Besides, some 8,000 farmers of Rangpur division, who started cultivation of parija rice since 2009 with the assistance of RDRS Bangladesh, have also cultivated the rice at their own this season.
“Cultivation of parija rice requires no supplementary irrigation as its plants grow well making the best use of unused seasonal rain waters during the months of May, June and July,” Mamunur Rashid added.
He said the crop can be harvested in only 75 days with 3.5 tonnes average yield rate per hectare through cultivation during the off season between late May and mid-August when fields remain fallow after Boro harvest and before plantation of T-Aman seedling.
Farmers Nurul Islam, Abdus Samad, Sunil Kumar, Anil Chandra, Habibur Rahman, Moksed Ali and many others told BSS that their Parija rice plants are growing excellent now amid favourable climatic conditions predicting bumper production this season.
Free legal aid services to poor stressed: Speakers at a day-long seminar here have stressed for making the government’s legal aid services programme successful through reaching the cost-free legal services to the extremely poor and distressed people.
The District Legal Aid Committee (DLAC) organised the seminar on
“Government’s Legal Aid Services” at the Town Hall auditorium on Tuesday with assistance of Aid-Comilla, BRAC, ‘Nagorik Uddog’ and National Women Lawyers’Association.
The Justice for All Programme of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) has been extending financial cooperation for implementation of the Government’s Legal Aid Project.
The National Legal Aid Services Organisation of the Justice Division under the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs has been implementing the project to provide cost-free legal aid to the poor of the country.
District and Sessions Judge of Rangpur and Chairman of the DLAC Manjurul Basit presided over the seminar.
The learned judges, panel lawyers, officials, DLAC Members, Officers-in-Charge of all eight Thanas in the district, lawyers, human rights and NGO activists, public representatives, professionals, civil society members,journalists and elite participated.