Bumper ‘Mashkalai Dal’ production

GAFARGAON (Mymensingh): A view of ‘Mashkalai’ field at the basin of Brahmaputra River. This picture was taken yesterday.
GAFARGAON (Mymensingh): A view of ‘Mashkalai’ field at the basin of Brahmaputra River. This picture was taken yesterday.
expected at Gafargaon :
Arshad Ahmed Asad, Gafargaon (Mymensingh)
Black gram (maskalai Dal) has been cultivated on 460 hectres of land at Gafargaon under Mymensingh this season.
More than three hundred farmers’ lot have been changed by growing bumper production in char area and on the basin of new char of the river Brahmaputra under this Upazila. Saikat Mia,a farmer of Balua kanda village at Charalgi Union informed, that the farmers of char area are fully dependent on rice cultivation . He said, more than 400 hundred farmers will get new life speed by cultivating pulse (maskalai dal) on the basin of the new char of the river Brahmaputra. Homestead vegetable (maskalai dal ) cultivation has become more popular among the extremely poor char households to change their economic condition in remote areas in this season.
Sources from Agriculture Office,Pulse (Maskalai Dal) has been cultivated in 460 Hectres land in this season under this Upazila.
Upazila Deputy- Assistant Agreculture Officers informed ,without the char area of Brahmaputra, a huge amount of maskalai has been cultivated at Tangabo, Datter Bazar,and Panchbag Union. At least more than hundred farmers under 3 union have beenbenefited for growing bumper production.
Upazila Agriculture Officer, S.S.Farhana Hussainsaid,after cultivation of Maskalai Dal, farmers can grow rice and wheat. Farmers arevery interested in cultivating this tasty Maskalai Dal in this area. Besides, there is noexpenses in cultivating Maskalai Dal. The people of char area are no lag behind to earn more than others.
Abdul Jalil, farmer of Balua kanda village under Charalgi Union informed, that he got lease 4 acre land from other and cultivated Maskalai Dal in entire land on the rising new char area in the Brahmaputra. He spent only 1400 TK to buy maskalai seeds for cultivation of 4 acre land. The farmer also informed that 29 maunds kalai has been produced in each acre without using any manure and pesticides in cultivation. of maskalai dal.
Farmer Abdul Hannan and Suruj Mia informed that the production of Maskalai will be increased in each acre 30-32 maunds . The produced Maskalai Dal in each acre will be sold at least 88 to 90 thousand TK. Without labour and production everything is profit. Getting profit to cultivate vegetable the economic development and standard of living of the people of this area have been changed.The cost of transportation will be less after building Altaf Golandaz Breeze over Brahmaputra river spending Tk 80 crore .
Recently the supply of electricity at Charalgi Union will increase the cultivation of bumper production in this season. The socio-economic condition about 65 thousand people of the char area will be improved largely.
