Bumper mango yield brings smile to growers in CHT

Rangmati Correspondent :
Bumper output of mango in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) region has brought smile on the faces of the local farmers, who are cultivating the juicy fruit this season.
After meeting the local demand, a huge quantity of different varieties of mangoes are being supplied to other parts of the country on a daily basis as the region has witnessed a surplus output of it, said the Additional Director (AD) of Directorate of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Rangamati region, Haroon-or-Rashid.
About 22,000 tons of mangoes have been harvested so far from the orchards on 1,500 hectares of land in the hill district of Rangamati, he said.
Proper nurturing of orchards, combating diseases of trees by spraying pesticides as per advice of DAE officials and overall conducive environment for farming are considered as the key reasons for getting bumper yield of mango this year, said Brisho ketu Chakma, chairman of Rangamati hill district council.
There are nearly 500 mango orchards with plenty of trees in the three hill districts of CHT, in Rangamati many of the growers sell their mangoes in trees to the wholesalers in advance ahead of the harvest, added Haroon.
Production of mango this year has exceeded compared to the previous years at Baghaichhari, Langadu, Zurachhari, Belaichhari, Langadu, Kawkhali and Razasthaki under Rangamati district.
Biddut Chakma, a mango farmer at Amanatbagh said, “Many of the farmers cultivated mango with the saplings of ‘Amropali,’ which the Rangamati hill district council distributed free of cost a few years back.”
“We have now started getting yield from the trees as the climate this year was favorable to farming,” he added.
Members of ethnic minority communities, both male and female, arrive daily in the Bonorupa, Tabalchhari, College Gate markets and Reservebazaar with baskets filled with mangoes collected either from homestead trees or raised gardens directly.
But the produce did not get good price as the supply surpassed the overall demand, he added.
Rezaul Haque who was buying mango at Bonorupa Bazar Sunday said the price of mango is within the reach of the common buyers as the growers are selling those directly not via any middlemen, a Rangamati correspondent sources said.