Bumper Boro harvest expected in Narsingdi

NARSINGDI: A field of boro paddy at village Mohorpara in Shibpur upazila in the district.
NARSINGDI: A field of boro paddy at village Mohorpara in Shibpur upazila in the district.

Narsingdi Correspondent :
 The farmers have cultivated 54710 hectares land of Boro paddy this season in the district. The crop is growing excellent under favourable climate condition expecting a bumper production in the district.
The Boro plants have already started flowering eye catching looks everywhere. The enthusiastic farmers hope that the prevailing climate conditions would help bumper Boro yields this year.
Deputy Director Department Of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Narsingdi, Muksed Ali told The New Nation that the government through the DAE have been providing necessary practical knowledge, latest and proven technologies and advice to the upazila level agricultural officials and the farmers for achieving the Boro production target. He hope that if that if the favorable climate condition is prevailed in the coming couple of weeks about 2,15,000 tons of Boro rice would be produced in the district this season.
He said the local DAE provided the farmers with logistic support including fertilizers, insecticides and necessary agriculture imputes. BADC also supplied quality seeds to the farmers at fair price. Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Sonali Bank Janata Bank, Agrani Bank and BRDB distributed short term crop loan to the farmers.
