Bumper banana production in Narsingdi

NARSINGDI: Local banana market of Narsingdi preadicts bumper production. The picture was taken from Chornogordi of Polash upazila on Tuesday.
NARSINGDI: Local banana market of Narsingdi preadicts bumper production. The picture was taken from Chornogordi of Polash upazila on Tuesday.
M.A. Awal, Narsingdi :
Narsingdi is famous for growing various kinds of banana throughout the year and successful harvest of banana brings farmers a substantial amount of money.
A large number of farmers of Shibpur, Monohardi and Palash upazila of the district have involved themselves in banana cultivation for a long time considering its economic aspect.
Farmers usually cultivate banana on high fallow lands and on their homestead garden, where floodwater or heavy rainfall cannot inundate and damage their field.
According to Agriculture Extension Department (AED) some thousand acres of land have been brought under banana cultivation in the district. Many farmers have changed their fate by growing banana. The growers of this area mainly cultivated Sagor, Sabri, Champa, Homai and Gara Sandar species of banana which are soft, sweet and tasty with excellent flavor.
This Correspondent recently visited different banana production areas of the district saw farmers plucking the banana with much enthusiasm and selling it to fruit wholesaler.
The farmers told this correspondent that they could produce more exportable quality bananas of different varieties like Sagor, Sabri and Champa if they got financial assistance from the government.
Deputy Director (Acting) of AED Narsingdi, Latafat Hossain, said, the farmers of the district usually sell 50 to 60 percent of their production to the capital and other districts after meeting the local demand, and at present they earn a sum of Tk 7 to 8 crore annually through banana farming in 20 thousand acres of land.
