Building trade bridge with BD

Wales delegation arrives tomorrow

Staff Reporter :
A 25 strong business delegation from Wales will arrive in Dhaka on Sunday to drive forward business relations between Wales and Bangladesh in the fields of ‘Knowledge Businesses & Knowledge Transfer’.
Organised by the Wales Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce [WBCC], the trade mission will help showcase leading Welsh Companies to the local business community, and introduce them to the growing Bangladesh economy and market, said a media release issued by UK High Commission in Dhaka on Thursday.
Eminent organisations such as the University of South Wales [the largest University in Wales] and TechniQuest [the leading Science Centre in Wales], are amongst just a few businesses that are accompanying this mission.
In order to seek out the best business opportunities, the delegation will visit the main cities of Dhaka, Sylhet and Chittagong during an eight day visit to Bangladesh between January24 to 31.
The visiting team will meet ministers and leading government officials at the Ministries of Commerce and Education in the capital, and national chambers and industry leaders in all three cities.
The programme of activity has been pulled together by the UK Trade & Investment and the British High Commission.
The British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Robert Gibson said, ”I’m delighted that such a diverse range of Welsh companies are in Bangladesh to showcase the best of Welsh business and entrepreneurship here. Wales and the UK are world leaders in many knowledge based fields and I’m certain that exciting future collaboration will emerge as a part of this mission.”
Dilabor A Hussain, Chair and leader of the delegation said, ”This is the second instalment of our chambers activity to build a new and better trading relationship between Wales and Bangladesh. Wales with its high tech businesses and industrial heritage has a real synergy with Bangladesh as it develops its own industrial heritage. Wales can provide manufacturing, mining and technology expertise to Bangladesh so that it’s better placed within the growing international market.”
It will be second mission after the first official Welsh Government trade mission to Bangladesh organised by the WBCC in 2011, where the 23 delegates explored the trading opportunities in Bangladesh in the upcoming energy and renewable sector.
In addition to the transfer of skills and knowledge via the business relationships, the WBCC is keen to assist Bangladesh and Wales to start developing bilateral trade and political relationships as both nations have much to offer each other in accordance to their respective national visions for growth.
UK Trade & Investment [UKTI] works with UK-based businesses of all sizes, providing advice, expertise and support to ensure their success within international markets.