Building new habits

Life Desk :
Establishing a new habit takes time. The best way is to replace an old habit with a better one.
Establishing a new habit takes time. The best way is to replace an old habit with a better one. Experts say, forming a new habit takes 21 days. Most of the habit- forming takes place with practice – by sticking to it. Make your habit manageable and achievable.
Start small, think big. In day-to-day activities, try to make your habit pratical. If you want to achieve too much too soon it leads to failure. Your new habit should be adopted by taking small, easy steps.
Build new behaviour chains that help you in sticking to your new goals. Studies show that this is a successful method to improve willpower. Don’t indulge in discouraging behaviour. If you slip up, don’t castigate yourself too much. Recover from your mistakes.
Forming a new habit isn’t easy, you have to face anxieties. Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit writes, “Reward every little victory that takes you towards making your new habit a reality.”
Make a plan
Creating a plan can be key to making a new habit. Write about your temptations, triggers. The early days are crucial, make sure nothing makes you give up your new habit.
– From Web