Building efficient public administration stressed


State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain urged the government employees to improve their efficiency to build a skilled public administration.
“Our Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had two dreams. One was to establish Bangladesh as an independent country and the other was to make Bangladesh a prosperous state. So the efficiency of public employees must be increased to build an efficient public administration and make the country developed……, ” he made comments on Wednesday while addressing as chief guest at a seminar titled ‘Philosophy of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to develop skilled human resources’ at the ministry’s conference room.
He urged the government employees to take the country to a more prestigious position by properly performing the responsibility entrusted on them.
Joint Secretary of Public Administration Ministry Md Mofidur Rahman presented the keynote paper at the seminar with Additional Secretary of Public Administration Ministry Dulal Krishna Saha in the chair.
Chairman of Bangladesh Public Service Commission Dr Mohammad Sadik was the chief discussant at the seminar.
