Building economic zone in Rajshahi stressed

BSS, Rajshahi :
Chamber leaders and businessmen at a view-sharing meeting here unequivocally called for building economic zones in Rajshahi for bolstering its socio-economic condition.
Time-fitting measures should be taken for setting up economic zones here for elevating its economic condition coupled with eradicating unemployment problems through the best uses of existing agricultural potentialities.
Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) hosted the investment development related meeting in its conference hall yesterday in association with the district administration.
Deputy director of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority Abul Khayer Hafizullah Khan and Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Ataul Gani addressed the meeting as chief and special guests respectively with RCCI President Muniruzzaman Moni in the chair.
President of Bangladesh Silk Industries Owners Association Liakat Ali, RCCI Directors Masudur Rahman, SM Ehsan, Atikur Rahman and local unit president of Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry Prof Rojety Naznin also spoke.
In his remarks, Muniruzzaman Moni said economic zone is very much important for generating employment scopes besides attracting many investors towards establishing industries. Foreign investors will also be encouraged here side by side with the local ones if economic zones were set up.
Thereby good relations between the local and foreign investors will build up. Economic foundation of the region will be bolstered that will contribute a lot to enhance economic growth.
He mentioned that prospects of agro-processing enterprises are bright in the region as it produces surplus crops especially food-grains, fruits and vegetables.
He focused on the agricultural potentials of the region with special emphasis on value added agro-processing opportunities and agro-based industries. It could add to the industrialization efforts of agro-based and agro-processing industry in the region for a sustainable and well-formed linkage of production, processing and marketing.
Moni described ‘value addition to agricultural products and agro-processing’ as very much consistent with the government policy since due emphasis are being given to agro-processing at present.
