Build opinion against terrorism, militancy: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday urged all to come forward to mobilise public opinion against militancy and terrorism to face the two evil menaces and make the country a peaceful place in the South Asian region.
“I call upon all in society, including imams, teachers, guardians, journalists, administrators and law enforcement agencies, to work as a united force to create public opinion against militancy and terrorism,” she said.
The Prime Minister said this during a videoconference with the officials, local public representatives and people of different professions on development activities, and anti-terror and militancy drives of the government in Chittagong Division from her official residence Ganobhaban.
She said Bangladesh will be a peaceful country in the South Asian region and there will be no place for terrorism and militancy in the country.
Hasina said, all will have to take the responsibility to make others understand that the paths of militancy and terrorism are not the paths of peace. “These paths will never bring welfare to common people, we want to remain on the path of welfare,” she said. The Prime Minister said the government’s only aim is to ensure the country’s overall development.
Hasina urged Imams to preach the verses from the Holy Quran and Hadith where there are statements against the militancy and terrorism, especially before Jumm’a prayers.
She mentioned that the government is working to build the country in such a way where people will keep their heads high as a victorious nation. “Those who ascended to power after the assassination of the Father of the Nation had wanted to make the country a failed state.”
About the miserable days before the 10th general election in 2015, the Prime Minister said Khaleda Zia did not respond to her call to form an all-party government for the election period. “Rather she went on a violent movement and killed a large number of people during the 92-day movement from which where she had gained nothing,” she said.
The Prime Minister exchanged views with the deputy commissioners, officials and local public representatives of five districts of the division while the conference was projected at 7509 points of eleven districts of the division. Public Works Minister Eng Mosharraf Hossain, Railways Minister M Mazibul Hoque, Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu, PM’s adviser HT Imam were, among others, present at Ganobhaban.
Ministers, parliament members, political and religious leaders, schoolteachers, farmers, beneficiaries of various benevolent programmes of the government and a cross-section people were present and took part in the interaction with the Prime Minister from different venues in Chittagong which virtually turned into public meetings.