Budgetary balance in water, sanitation and hygiene sector urged


Speakers at a press conference urged the government to ensure budgetary balance between rural and urban areas for water, sanitation and hygiene sectors aiming to bring disadvantaged people under the basic services facilities.
Remote and disadvantaged wetlands, coast, tea gardens in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and specific projects for the disadvantaged population were not taken into consideration, they said this on Saturday while speaking at a press conference at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) here.
Head of Policy and Advocacy of Water Aid Bangladesh Shamim Ahmed highlighted the comparative figures of the last 9 years of water, sanitation and hygiene sectors allocation in the national budget.
Referring to the allocated projects on WASH sector, the representatives said equal budgetary allocation on basic service facilities should be ensured as these services are prerequisites to build a healthy nation.
Economist and Consultant of the Human Development Research Center Abhijit Paddar, Country Representative of Water Aid Dr Md. Khairul Islam and UNICEF Representative Monirul Alam, among others, were present at the press conference.
Representatives of various development agencies, donor agencies and other organizations, who are working on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sector projects, also attended the press conference.
