Budget not pro-people, says Dr Kamal

Staff Reporter :
Gono Forum on Saturday said, the proposed national budget for 2019-20 fiscal is not pro-people.
“This is not a budget for people. We reject this budget,” said Gono Forum President Dr. Kamal Hossain.
He said it while giving his party’s formal reaction to the proposed budget at a press conference in the Jatiya Press Club.
Gono Forum General Secretary Dr Reza Kibria read out the party’s statement on the budget at the programme.
The government has termed the budget as a smart one, but it is nothing

other than blatant chic, Gono Forum said. There is no clear indication in the budget to root out poverty, inequity and unemployment problem from the country, it said.
The budget will favour the benefit of the powerful business community and vested political quarter ignoring the overall interest of the common people, the party said.
Dr Kamal Hossain rejected the proposed budget saying that it has ignored the interest of the common people in many ways.  
Gono Forum and Jatiya Oikyafront will discuss in their forum meeting whether they would go for any programme protesting the national budget, Dr Kamal, also an eminent jurist, told a questioner.
Reza Kibria said, the negative impact will be created in the economy as the country’s financial setback has not been addressed in it appropriately. The government has become hard on the interest of the farmers, while it has ensured the satisfaction of loan defaulters, he said.
Claiming that allocation in the health and education sector is inadequate, Reza Kibria called upon the government to reduce budgetary allocation in the unproductive sectors.
He said, the proposed budget is the outcome of short sightedness as there are no initiatives to overcome the financial setback.
“A group of people is making money and sending it abroad and the budget will favour their benefits,” the Gono Forum leader said.
Describing the government as unelected, he said the citizen’s wills and expectation are not reflected in the budget and it has not been done to meet people’s needs.
