BTV, BTV World broadcast in 49 countries, JS told


Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu on Sunday said Bangladesh Television (BTV), BTV World and the Jatiya Sangsad TV have been broadcasting in 49 countries through ASIA SAT-7 satellite.
“Programmes of the BTV, BTV World and private television channels have been on air in different countries in the world through cable TV network,” he said this on Sunday while replying to a starred question from treasury bench member Mohammad Subid Ali Bhuiyan of Comilla-1 in the Jatiya Sangsad.
The minister said the Total Cable, USA broadcast television programmes in USA and Canada through IPTV under a deal, adding, “Now the deal is expired, but process is underway for renewal of the contract.”
Besides, programmes of the BTV and the BTV World are being watched through the Web TV and private channels broadcast their programmes by the IPTV and the Web TV in different countries, Inu informed the House.
Meanwhile, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave approval to sign an agreement between BTV and Durodarsan of India during his visit to Bangladesh and now the deal is underway for broadcasting
BTV’s programmes through a channel of Durodarsan by using DTH technology, he added.
