BTRC blocks 35 websites, news portals

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The telecom regulators have blocked online news portals Sheersha News and Amar Desh’s websites.
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has also censored over 30 other websites.
Most of these sites are online news portals. Several International Internet Gateway (IIG) operators confirmed on Thursday evening that they have taken down the websites following BTRC instruction.
BTRC Chairman Shahjahan Mahmood told that ‘ BD’ was
blocked on government orders. He did not assign any reason for the action. Sheersha News Editor Ekramul Haque told that their website could not be seen. “I’ve heard that BTRC has blocked our website. But we have not been explained why the website has been blocked,” he said.
The IIG operators confirmed the blocking of Amar Desh’s website, but the BTRC chairman could not.
Amar Desh’s website could not be opened like ‘Sheersha News’ on Thursday night. The government cancelled Amar Desh’s licence several years ago accusing it of provoking religious hatred.
It has been operating as an internet newspaper since then.