BTRC asked to remove defamatory videos on Japanese woman Eriko

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Online Desk:

The High Court Wednesday asked the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to remove all defamatory videos on Japanese citizen Nakano Eriko and the father of her daughters, Bangladeshi-American Imran Sharif, from online platforms.
The court also directed the Cyber Police Centre of the Criminal Investigation Department to take action against those involved in making and spreading the videos.
In addition, Eriko and Imran got permission to take their children outside for shopping and recreational activities separately.
Also, the court allowed Eriko to spend four nights with her daughters at a flat in Dhaka’s Gulshan before the next hearing on September 16. Imran can stay with his daughters the rest of the time at the flat.
In addition, the court asked Imran to remove the CCTV cameras from the flat where Eriko is now staying with her daughters.
Hearing two separate applications filed by Eriko and Imran, the bench of Justice M Enayetur Rahim and Justice Md Mostafizur Rahman came up with the orders.
On September 6, Eriko’s lawyer Advocate Shishir Monir applied to the High Court for directions to remove all defamatory content related to the Japanese citizen from social media.
On August 31, the High Court asked Imran and Eriko to live at a Gulshan flat together for 15 days with their daughters.
The court came up with the order as the estranged couple had failed to agree on where and with whom their two daughters will live.
On July 18, Tokyo-based doctor Eriko came to Bangladesh and filed a writ petition with the High Court, seeking a directive on Imran to hand over the children to her custody.
