BSEC to observe ‘World Investor Week’ from tomorrow

Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) is going to observe the ‘World Investor Week 2018’ from tomorrow to create awareness among stock investors.
Finance Minister Abul Maal Abul Muhith will inaugurate the investor week on October 7 at the Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB) in the city, said BSEC Executive Director M Saifur Rahman at a press conference held at BSEC office in the city.
A series of seminar, cultural events, discussions, reunions, symposium and workshop will be organized during the investor week, he added. He said BSEC is working to create awareness among investors to reduce their risk of investment. BSEC will observe the week in line with the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) declared ‘World Investor Week’. IOSCO is an association of organisations that regulate the world’s securities and future markets.