BRU holds colloquium on exam conduction

Dr Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, BTFO, Vice Chancellor of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur speaks at a colloquium on conduction of examinations held at the University early on Wednesday. Brigadier General Md. Nurul Momen Khan (NDC, PSC), Controller of Examinat
Dr Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, BTFO, Vice Chancellor of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur speaks at a colloquium on conduction of examinations held at the University early on Wednesday. Brigadier General Md. Nurul Momen Khan (NDC, PSC), Controller of Examinat
Jannatun lucky, BRU :
A colloquium on conduction of examinations held at Begum Rokeya University (BRU), Rangpur early on Wednesday.
BRU Controller of Examinations Office organized the colloquium. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, BTFO inaugurated the colloquium with chairmanship of Prof Dr Morshed Hossain at university’s virtual classroom in the Academic Building 2.
Shamsul Haque, Assistant Controller of Examination Office was the presenter of the colloquium. Brigadier General Md. Nurul Momen Khan (NDC, PSC), Controller of Examinations, Bangladesh University of Professionals was the keynote speaker of the colloquium.
Dr Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah said at the opening ceremony, ” The main discussant will share his experiment about publishing, conducting, management and analyzing the results of examination for these all the people working at controller of examinations office including the students will be benefited.
The keynote speaker thanked the vice-Chancellor and everyone in this office for organizing such a colloquium and presented the experience of his office and answered different types of questions.
It is to be noted that through such colloquium, the examination control room of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur will increase further mobility and capacity.
All officers and employees of the examination control room participated in the colloquium.