Britain not turning inward, says Theresa May


AFP, United Nations :
 Britain will remain open and active on the global stage despite its shock vote to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May told the United Nations on Tuesday.
May, who took office in July after the “Brexit” vote led her predecessor David Cameron to resign, said that Britain “has always been an outward-facing, global partner” in international affairs.
“And that is how we will remain. For when the British people voted to leave the EU, they did not vote to turn inwards or walk away from any of our partners in the world,” May said in an address to the UN General Assembly.
May said that Britain, one of five veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council, would remain a player on major issues including fighting poverty, terrorism and climate change.
She pledged a particular focus on preventing human trafficking, saying that criminals had created a modern form of slavery.
“We need to be smarter and even more coordinated than the criminal gangs in our efforts to stop them,” she said.
May said that she committed to Nigeria the first five million pounds ($6.5 million) from a new fund that aims to help stop human trafficking from countries to Britain.
The United Nations estimates that nearly 21 million people around the world are victims of forced labor, with more than half of them women and girls.
