Rohingya crisis: Crime against humanity: Bring perpetrators to book: Bob Rae

UNB, Dhaka :
Canadian Prime Minister’s special envoy to Myanmar Bob Rae said on Thursday that those who are liable for breach of international law, including crime against humanity, should be brought to justice.
The international expert on Rohingya refugee crisis made the urge at a public lecture organized by Centre for Peace and Justice (CPJ) of BRAC University (BRACU) at the BRAC Centre auditorium. He said “Rohingya crisis will cause collapse inside capacity of Bangladesh which has at present been emerged as an alarming issue around the world. This refugee crisis is the biggest refugee crisis after the Second World War till now.” He repeatedly said that, “Bangladesh is not alone. We all have collective responsibility to solve this issue. We have to see ourselves together”. Presenting the concluding speech, Vice Chancellor of BRACU Professor Syed Saad Andaleeb said “If country like Myanmar gets away by practicing of such killing and looting, then powerful countries can adopt same approach to take down ethnic groups. He added that, this is the high time for the world to co-ordinate to address this issue. He thanked Canadian government for playing a decisive role in Rohingya crisis. Hosting the lecture, executive director of CPJ Manzoor Hasan said”This humanitarian crisis has created the largest refugee camp in the world. He also added that based on the latest data from UNHCR, the number of internally displaced person is the highest in the recorded history.” The event ended with a question and answer session with media. Answering a question Bob Rae said that humanitarian assistance has to be provided to the refugee camp. “Canada is already spending its budget on this. It is not possible for Bangladesh to bear the burden by herself alone,” he added. Former Election Commissioner of Bangladesh M Sakhawat Hossain, former foreign secretary Shamsher M.

Chowdhury, country director of ActionAid Bangladesh Farah Kabir and other representatives of UNDP, UNHCR, and FAO were also present at the event.
Bob Rae is likely to visit Rohingya camp in Cox’s Bazar on Friday.
