Bring gas subscribers under pre-paid meters


Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources on Monday recommended to bring all gas subscribers under pre-paid meter services as soon as possible.
The committee made this recommendation at its 19th meeting held at the Jatiya Sangsad (JS) here with committee Chairperson Wasiqa Ayesha Khan in the chair. The committee also has recommended for taking necessary action in realizing arrears of six gas distribution companies under the Petrobangla.
Even the real and financial progress report of the ongoing projects running under the Power and Mineral Resources division also has been asked to place before the committee in the next meeting, according to an official release of the parliament secretariat here on Monday.
Committee members State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid, M Ali Asgar, M Nurul Islam Talukder, M Aslam Hossain Sawdagar, Mosammat Khaleda Khanam and Nargis Rahman participated in the meeting.
At outset of the meeting, the committee members paid respect and sought eternal peace of the departed souls of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangamata Begum Fazilatun Nesa Mujib, their family members and other martyred on the fateful night of August 15 in 1975, all the martyrs including four national leaders and peoples who had been died in the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the country.
Officials from the Power, Energy and Mineral Resources ministry including senior secretary of the Power and Energy division, among others, took part in the meeting.
Earlier, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid recently laid emphasis on installing pre-paid meters to make effective contributions to the economical use of electricity and gas.
 “Pre-paid meters would make an effective contribution to the economical use of electricity and gas,” he said, addressing a webinar titled “Prosperous Bangladesh, Uninterrupted Power and Energy Security Budget” organized by CRI albd web Team, a press release said.
“Besides, we need to take far-reaching plans for the use of domestic energy,” he added.
 Mentioning that necessary efforts are being taken to strengthen State-run Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Ltd (BAPEX), the state minister said incentives are continuing for power generation from renewable energy sources.
 Renewable energy could be one of the main sources of power generation in the future, he said.
 Wind power, ocean renewable energy, electricity from waste and solar power will make a huge contribution to the energy mix in future, he added.
