Brig Gen Nazmul appointed UN military affairs office chief of staff


Bangladesh Army’s Brigadier General Mohammad Nazmul Haque has been appointed the chief of staff at the Office of Military Affairs, Department of Peace Operations at the United Nations headquarters.
Brigadier General Nazmul is the first Bangladeshi military officer to be appointed to such a high and important post at the UN headquarters, according to the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) directorate. This is one of the key appointments at the UN headquarters and such appointments are selected through fierce competition among the nominated candidates from different troops contributing countries.
Also, Brigadier General Manzur of the Bangladesh Army has recently been appointed to the post of Sector Commander in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali.
Bangladesh is currently serving as the top peacekeeper in nine different UN peacekeeping missions around the globe.
At present, 15 contingents of Bangladesh have been included in the United Nations Capability Readiness System, which has created opportunities for the deployment of new contingents in UN peacekeeping missions. Evaluation of these contingents and advisory inspection activities are underway by the UN delegation.
