Brie 75 rice getting popular among farmers in Panchbibi

Our Correspondent :
With the economic development of the farmers, to strengthen the agro-based economy of the country, the interest of the farmers of Panchbibi Upazila of Joypurhat to cultivate fragrant high yielding early variety Bri 65 paddy is increasing.
According to the Upazila Agriculture Extension Department, the difference between Brie 75 paddy and other varieties of paddy is that it takes 140 to 150 days from the start of planting to another paddy and only 110 days there. As a result, by cutting this paddy a month in advance, the farmer can easily cultivate winter crops like potato, mustard, kalai and other agricultural products on the land. The height of Brie 75 rice plant is 3 to 3 and a half feet hard stems. As a result, it does not tilt easily in the air. Disease is less. This paddy is cultivated with less than 20% fertilizer. Paddy is medium thin. This variety of rice is lightly fragrant.
Shah Alamgir, Deputy Assistant Agriculture Officer, said that Bri 65 rice invented by the scientists of Bangladesh Paddy Research Institute, Gazipur, has 18 to 20 manas per bigha. It can be planted with 21 to 25 day old seedlings. In addition to being an early variety of paddy, farmers can make a lot of profit by selling this paddy straw as cattle feed.
Agriculture officer Lutfar Rahman, agriculture officer of Panchbibi upazila, said farmers have cultivated this variety of paddy in 10 bighas including 30 bigha demonstration plots in different areas of the upazila during the current aman season. Abdul Wahab, a farmer of Kankra village in Awlai Union, said that there is no disease in this paddy. Production costs have been reduced. He said the interest of Bri75 paddy cultivation is gradually increasing among the farmers of the upazila.