Brazil’s presumptive president beset by risks

AFP, Brasilia :
Michel Temer expects to become Brazil’s full president if his rival Dilma Rousseff gets impeached this week. If he trips up, the country will fall deeper into crisis, analysts warn.
Here are some of the economic, political, social and legal challenges facing him if he secures the job of dragging Latin America’s biggest economy out of recession.
Center-right PMDB party leader Temer, 75, was leftist Rousseff’s vice-president and stepped up to replace her during the impeachment process.
The Senate is widely expected to vote to remove her from office next week. Temer would then have to avoid Rousseff’s fate of falling prey to internal political divisions.
“Temer is supported by conservative sectors and saw an opportunity to become president. But he has a conciliatory style,” said Roberto Requiao, a PMDB senator who opposes the impeachment.