Brazil`s new president faces immediate challenge from Dilma


AFP, Brazil :Impeached Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff filed a Supreme Court challenge Thursday to her removal from office in an immediate blow to new President Michel Temer’s bid to stabilize the country and consolidate power.The appeal, filed by Rousseff’s lawyer Jose Eduardo Cardozo and seen by AFP, demands “the immediate suspension of the effects of the Senate decision.”The Senate voted Wednesday to convict Rousseff on charges of having illegally manipulated government accounts, stripping her of her office and replacing her with Temer, her bitter enemy and former vice president.Cardozo’s appeal asks for “a new trial” during which Temer-who was sworn in as president up until the end of 2018 — would be downgraded to interim president.Temer is now in China, attending a G20 summit, while Rousseff remains in the Alvorada presidential palace in Brasilia. She is expected to leave shortly for her personal apartment in the southern city of Porto Alegre.But the court challenge is only one of the many challenges stacking up for Temer, whose declared mission to fix the economy will require pushing painful reforms through the same hostile Congress that brought down Rousseff.
