Brazilian state to test Russia’s vaccine

Reuters :
The Brazilian state of Bahia has signed an agreement to conduct Phase III clinical trials of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19 and plans to buy 50 million doses to market in Brazil, officials have said.
The Russian vaccine is being developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Research Institute and marketed by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which last month entered an agreement with the Brazilian state of Paraná to test and produce the vaccine.
Russia will sell up to 50 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, known as Sputnik-V, to Brazil’s Bahia State, RDIF said in a statement.
Governor Rui Costa said an agreement was signed this week to undertake the trials and Bahia will receive an initial 500 doses as soon as Brazil’s health regulator Anvisa approves the protocol for testing.
First supplies are due to start in November pending approval by Brazil regulators “with the consideration of results of post-registration trials”, RDIF added.
Russia has touted Sputnik as the first vaccine against coronavirus to be registered in the world, even though Phase III trials have yet to be completed.