Brazil threatens striking police with prosecution as death toll tops 120

Reuters, Vitoria :
Authorities in the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo threatened striking police officers with criminal charges on Friday as the federal government sent in more troops in a bid to end a week of violent anarchy that has left more than 120 people dead. Espirito Santo is one of several Brazilian states grappling with a budget crisis that is crippling essential public services for millions of citizens. The police strike during the past week, over pay, has left a security vacuum and led to rampant assaults, heists and looting, often in broad daylight.
Limited protests by police in nearby Rio de Janeiro alarmed many residents of the metropolitan area of 12 million people, many of whom live in fear of violence between rival drug gangs and other criminals. Some mayors in Rio de Janeiro state even announced plans to help make up for unpaid police salaries by using city finances to cover the state’s shortfalls.
In Espirito Santo, a spokesman for a local police union said the death toll from a week of unrest had risen to 122. State officials have not officially confirmed the toll, but have said many of those killed are believed to come from competing gangs.
If accurate, the toll would be more than six times the average daily homicide rate in the state last year.
President Michel Temer’s government said late on Thursday that hundreds more soldiers and federal police would be sent in to help stem the chaos, focussed mostly in the metropolitan region of Vitoria, the state capital.
After an initial deployment of 1,200 troops in recent days, as many as 3,000 would be there by the weekend, the defence ministry said.
State officials said on Friday that more than 700 striking state officers, who in Brazil are organised with military-style ranks and rules, would be charged with rebellion.
Wives and family members who have blockaded police stations could also face fines and other penalties, they said.
“We will not be weak,” said Andre Garcia, the secretary. “We will ensure that the rule of law is preserved.”