Branding innocent people as criminals now order of day: Fakhrul

UNB, Dhaka :
Criticising the government for what he said its unbridled repressive acts, BNP spokesman Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said it has become an order of the day to harass innocent people by branding them as criminals.
“Now it has become an everyday affair under the current regime to make people criminals for the crimes they don’t commit,”
he said in a statement. Fakhrul, the BNP acting secretary general, issued the statement protesting the arrest of Feni district BNP joint general secretary Monwar Hossain Dulal in a ‘false’ case on Saturday.
He alleged that people’s democratic and basic rights, guaranteed by the constitution, are now being restrained with the repressive acts of the Awami League-led government.
“No one is safe now as there’s no rule of law in the country. Filing false cases, making wholesale arrest, killing people, carrying out enforced disappearances and abductions have now become the government’ s routine acts,” the BNP leader added.
Fakhrul said, the government is carrying out such ‘misdeeds’ as it has got isolated from people, and warned that the regime will not be able to materialise its dream of hanging onto power by keeping opposition leaders and activists away from movement through repression.
Condemning the arrest of Monwar, the BNP spokesman demanded the government release him immediately after withdrawing the ‘false’ case filed against him.