BR west zone earns Tk 590.75 cr revenue last year

Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh Railway west zone earned revenue worth around Tk 590.75 crore during the last fiscal year.
Of the total earning, Tk 374.77 crore was earned by selling tickets to passengers while Tk 143.13 crore from goods and other parcels transportation, railway sources said.
Ahsan Ullah Bhuiyan, Additional Chief Operating Superintendent, said the revenue earning could be enhanced to a greater extent if the stations which remain dysfunctional are re-launched as early as possible.
There are 76 out of total 238 stations remained inoperative for long due to various problems including shortage of stationmasters, points man, shunting man, booking clerk and other necessary staffs.
At present, there are 249 vacant posts of station master out of 559 while 254 points-man posts out of 695.
“We have installed computer based interlocking colour light signaling system in Chatmohar, Jamtoil, Bangabandhu Bridge West and Bangabandhu Bridge East stations on Ishwardi-Joydevpur section,” said Asim Kumar Talukder, Chief Signal and Telecom Engineer.
Modernizing signaling, interlocking and telecom systems and up gradation of locomotives, coaches and other rolling stocks are being maintained which help earn revenue, he said.
The modern system has ensured security to train operation with boosting its operational facilities on the vital route.
Backdated mechanical signaling system has been replaced by computer based signaling system in eleven other stations on Ishwardi-Darshana route, Asim Talukder added.
Shah Nawaz, Chief Commercial Manager of the west zone, said the zone, covering Rajshahi, Rangpur and Khulna divisions, has been operating 159 trains, including 50 intercity and some inter-country ones, on different routes, including the capital city of Dhaka and Kolkata of India at present.