Bourses shut amid price fall

Economic Reporter :
Country’s premiere bourse, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) plunged further on Wednesday despite higher transactions.
DSE’s broader index, DSEX went down by 49.41 points to stand at 5,230 which was the lowest in the last one month, according to market analysts. On May 15 last, the DSEX stood lowest at 5,196 points.
Besides, the Shariah DSES and the blue-chip DS30 also followed the same trend with 9.23 points down at 1198.27 and with 14.62 points down at 1,860.90.
The day’s trade value at DSE increased to Taka 408.88 crore while the daily trade stood at 15.72 crore shares.
At DSE, out of the day’s 353 securities, prices of 81 securities closed higher against 279 losing issues and 23 issues remained unchanged.
The top 10 gainer companies were: Nitol Insurance, Prime Insurance, SEML FBSL Growth Fund, Pioneer Insurance, Peoples Insurance, Paramound Insurance, Sinobangla Industries, CAPM IBBL Islami Mutual Fund, Dhaka Insurance and Karnaphuli Insurance.
National Life Insurance topped the list in terms of transaction followed by Rupali Insurance, Runner Auto, Sinobangla Industires, Pioneer Insurance, Singer Bangladesh, Asian Tiger Sandhani Life Growth Fund, Dhaka Insurance, Paramaound Insurance and Price Insurance.
Besides, the top 10 loser companies were: Imambutton Industries, Meghna Petroleum, FAS Finance, Beach Hathercy, United Air, Beximco Synthetics, Phoenix Finance First Mutual Fund, Meghna Condensed milk, People Leasing and Savar Refectories.