BOU VC attends CEMCA advisory council meeting


City Desk :
Bangladesh Open University (BOU) Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Syed Humayun Akhter attended the 21st Advisory Council Meeting of Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA).
The meeting was held virtually on the tenth instant in New Delhi, with President and CEO of Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Asa Kanwar in the chair, said a press release.
CEMCA Director Professor Madhu Parhar, Vice-Chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Professor Nageshwar Rao and education ministry officials from the Commonwealth Asia joined the meeting.
CEMCA provided BOU with the support for using MOODLE – a Learning Management System (LMS) -, OER (Open Educational Resources) Repository, and TEL-based skills development programmes during the past years.
Besides, CEMCA worked with the University Grant Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh and trained a considerable number of faculties from 20 universities on TEL-based higher education during Covid-19 pandemic.
