Boro harvest continues in northern region


Harvest of Boro paddy has been continuing in full swing in the northern region of the country with an excellent yield rate.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, the framers have already completed Boro harvest on 3.28 lakh hectares, which is 20.46 percent of the total cultivated land of 16.03 lakh hectares, by Monday.
The average yield rate achieved so far stands at 4.5 to 5.5 tonnes clean rice per hectare for hybrid variety, 3.7 to 4.2 tonnes for high yielding variety and 1.65 to 1.85 tonnes for local variety.
The farmers have so far produced 13.25 lakh tonnes Boro crop in terms of clean rice after completing harvest on 3.28 hectares of land with an average yield rate of 4.03 tonnes clean rice per hectare.
The Boro output might exceed the fixed production target if its present average yield remains steady till end of the harvesting process amid favourable climatic conditions, said horticulture specialist of the DAE Khondker Md. Mesbahul Islam.
The DAE sources said the farmers have cultivated Boro on 16.06 lakh hectares land, which is 99.82 percent against the fixed target of 16.09 lakh hectares to produce 64.03 lakh tonnes clean Boro rice.
According to the fixed farming target, 11.39 lakh tonnes hybrid Boro rice was to be produced from 2.41 lakh hectares land, 52.42 lakh tonnes high yielding variety from 13.57 lakh hectares and 20.480 tonnes local variety rice from 9,835 hectares land.
