Border killing continues, no government can guarantee one-sided friendship


AT least 14 Bangladeshi civilians were shot dead by Border Security Force (BSF) of India since the middle of May this year even in the backdrop of top officials of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and BSF met in Dhaka. Media report says, the six-day talks started on 16 May in Dhaka and prior to it, a school student, Shehabuddin, a resident of Goalpara of Jibannagar in Chuadanga, was shot at point blank range by BSF on May 14. According to Bangladesh Home Ministry, 109 Bangladeshi civilians were killed by BSF in the borders between January 2012 and April 2016. Unfortunately, not a single killing on the Indo-Bangladesh border has been jointly investigated into as agreed upon between the Security Forces in border of the two countries in May last. It is known from BGB officials that they had prepared a joint investigation forum about which BSF said it was yet to be approved by Indian Home Ministry.
The borders between two friendly countries — Bangladesh and India — are now probably the most unfriendly spot where border crossing is most cruelly treated by the Indian side. But according to the Memorandum of Understanding and related treaties signed between Bangladesh and India, if citizens of either country illegally cross the border it would be considered trespassing and as per laws those people should be handed over to the civilian authority. However, we have noticed that India has been repeatedly violating such an arrangement over the years, killing or physically maiming anyone found near the border or anyone trying to cross the border. BSF also attacked Bangladeshi citizens by illegally entering into Bangladesh. These acts are clear violations of International Law and human rights.
It is seen that India becomes very active when matters like transit and transshipment placed on the table for discussion. The decisions on such subjects favouring India’s interest are taken with haste.
The impression is gaining popularity among the people of Bangladesh that Indian government finds government of Bangladesh too feeble and obliging. But that does not make it right for India to ignore the public feeling in Bangladesh that they are getting raw deals most of the time and that is annoying.
Border killings have become a frequent human issue and we are not saying that the border crossing should not be treated as an offence. But joint investigation when Bangladeshis are being killed must take place. No government can ensure one-sided friendship.
