Booters’ camp to start soon

Sports Reporter :
The coaching camp of Bangladesh Football team will start soon. Bangladesh will play two FIFA International Friendly Football matches against Nepal in November.
Head Coach of Bangladesh Football team Jamie Day is now staying in England.
Chairman of National Team Management Committee of BFF Kazi Nabil Ahmed, MP, said to the newsmen, ” Jamie Day will come in the city within two or three days. After his arrival we shall finalise the date when we shall start our training programme.”
After ending the football competitions and football matches due to coronavirus pandemic Jamie Day returned to England. He gave tips to the players from England.
Nabil said, ” The coaching camp will start from next seven or ten days. The players and coaching staff will undergo Covid-19 test during the practice camp. The Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) will arrange the coronavirus test by its own initiative. The players will stay at the hotel and then will take part at the coaching camp in the Bangabandhu National Stadium during the coaching camp.”
He said, ” The booters participated in the coaching camp at the Sarah Resort in Gazipur in August marking the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers 2022 and Asian Cup Qualifiers 2023. But FIFA postponed the matches of the Qualifiers due to coronavirus outbreak. Thus BFF suspended the coaching camp.”
The national players had been out of football since March due to coronavirus pandemic. They will resume their football competitions by the friendly football matches against Nepal.