Books of Tarikul Alam in Ekushey book fair


Entertainment Report :
An experienced senior banker is devoted on writing books now-a-days. Md. Tarikul Alam is now 75 years old. He had worked as Senior Executive Vice President & Company Secretary of NCC Bank Ltd. After retirement, he started writing. His first book in a pattern of autobiography was published in July, 2017.
 “In my writing, I always try to deliver positive messages that may help thereaders enrich their moral values in personal social and professional life, said theauthor.
The contents of his writings are mostly short stories and poems.
So far his published books are ‘Amar Ami Edong… ‘Panchmishali, ‘Risk Management of Bank and some tips to practice Corporate Governance and Tok Jhal Mishti(I). All these books are available in Ekushe Gronthomela 2019.
