Ekushey Boi Mela: Book sale yet to get momentum


Noman Mosharef :
The sale of books in this year’s Boi Mela is not hopeful, said the publishers.  
The visitors used to arrive in the Ekushey Boi Mela to meet the authors and poets only, and not to buy books.
Some publishers expressed their frustration at the political chaos prevailing in the country. City residents do not feel free to walk after nightfall.
Md Yunus of Katha Publication told The New Nation, “The book selling this year is disappointing although the Boi Mela is overcrowded.”
Nurul Fakir, Assistant Manager of Tamrolipi Publication echoed the same.
Onnya Prokash Publications Public Relation Officer Alauddin Tipu’s experience is bitter.Visitors are not showing any interest to books. This is not a good sign.
A scholar said: The backbone of a nation is its educated class. But unfortunately this class is interested in making money only.
Jalal Ahmed, Director of Bangla Academy said, the gathering and sale of book in Boi Mela is better than previous year.
He said, they have taken all security measures to avoid any unexpected situation.
He said, 250 close circuit cameras have been installed around roads and streets surrounding the venue which will be decorated with sufficient streetlight. Members of police, Rapid Action Battalion and intelligence units are always ready to meet the emergency.
The volume of sale on Friday was really encouraging.The book stalls traded about Tk. 10 lakh.
A sad thing is that the famous and heart reading song “Aamar Bhaiyer Rakte Rangano Ekushey February Aamiki Bhulite Parie (My brothers blood Stained Ekushey February, Can I forget it?) is nearly absent from all the television channels and newspapers this year. But why, asked a student? The teacher had no answer with him, perhaps, it is because, politics dominate everything.
