Bone-chilling cold hits Rohingyas hard


UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
As a cold wave is sweeping several districts of the country causing sufferings to the poor and the elderly, Rohingyas, living in poorly-built shelters, are no exception-they are sufferings, too.
“We’re suffering a lot,” Abaul Kalam, now living in Kutupalang camp in Ukhia upazila, told UNB.
“We’re eight members, including six daughters and sons. But, we’ve got only two blankets. Nobody can realise how worst the situation is for us and how we’re fighting with the biting cold each night,” he said.
Rohingya community leader Abdul Hamid who has been living in Rohingya camp for the last 10 years, said, “I had never experienced such an intensity of cold. For the first time, I’m feeling such a bone-chilling cold.”
