BCL rivals clash on campuses: Bombs, gunfire rock Port City

CUET closed sine die: OC, 4 cops among 30 students injured: Additional police deployed.

Armed BCL activists chasing on-duty police on Monday.
Armed BCL activists chasing on-duty police on Monday.

Staff Reporter :Gunfire and explosions rocked the Port City Chittagong on Monday as factions of Bangladesh Chhatra League [BCL], the student wing of ruling Awami League, were locked in clashes at Chittagong University [CU] and Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology [CUET] over maintaining supremacy.The clashes among the factions of BCL at two highest educational institutions in the country’s southeast region CU and CUET apparently spread massive terror among the general students and residents of the city as admission tests are going on in different faculties.It was the second consecutive day when the BCL factions were locked in clashes in the Port city. Earlier on Sunday, two factions of BCL fought each other with automatic fire arms and other lethal weapons at CRB area in a bid to take control over tender business. In Monday’s clash, at least 30 persons, including four police personnel, received injuries during the clashes at CU and CUET campuses, police said. Of them, Officer-in-Charge of Hathazarai Police Station Ismail Hossain and president of BCL CU Unit Alamgir Tipu, among 20 others, were injured during the clash at CU.On the other hand, at least 10 others were injured in the BCL factional clash at CUET. Against this backdrop, the CUET authorities closed the institution for an indefinite period and asked its students to leave the campus within a short time.According to police and witnesses, two factions of BCL-one led by BCL CU Unit President Alamgir Tipu [69 group] and another led by BCL CU Unit General Secretary Fazle Rabbi [Bijoy group] — locked in clashes centering greetings of new first year honours admission seekers in front of Shah Amanat Hall and Shahjalal Hall at about 11:00am.One group is backed by Chittagong City Mayor [General Secretray of Chittagong Awami League] AJM Nasir Uddin and another is backed by former Chittagong Mayor ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury [President of Chittagong Awami League]. CU officials said, Monday was scheduled for admission test at Faculty of Engineering. Both BCL factions had planned to bring out processions after the exam. Both of the factions locked in an altercation over the issue. At one stage, they started throwing stones at each other turning the whole area into a battleground. The situation went out of control when both sides also conducted attack equipped with bamboo sticks, hockey sticks and sharp weapons. The chase and counter-chase between the two groups continued for about an hour. The CU campus and surrounding areas were rocked when both sides exploded several cocktails and exchanged gunshots. Hathazarai OC Islmail Hossain received injuries in the head during brick bating. He received first aid treatment at CU Medical Centre.To bring the situation under control, the police charged baton indiscriminately, lobbed tear gas canisters and fired shots to disperse them leaving over a dozen students injured. When contacted, Assistant Proctor of CU Anwar Hossain said: “The clash erupted between the two groups of BCL over maintain supremacy. The situation was calm in the afternoon. However, tension is running high on the campus.”The OC said additional police have been deployed in the CU campus to avert possible untoward situation. In another incident, the authorities of CUET declared the university shut for an indefinite period due to the factional clash between two groups of the BCL over rivalry to control the campus.The decision of closing the varsity was taken at an emergency meeting of the University Administration held on Monday afternoon at least 10 persons were injured in the clash. Of them, three were taken to Chittagong Medical College Hospital for treatment. Vice Chancellor of CUET Prof Dr Jahangir said: “Tension is prevailing on the campus following the clash between two factions of BCL in the morning.” He said: “So, the University Authorities decided to close it down to prevent any further violence. Varsity will remain closed until further announcement.””So far we know, seven BCL activists were injured in the clash. The male students have been asked to vacate their dormitories by 5:00 pm on Monday while the female ones by 10:00am on Tuesday,” Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University Rafiqul Alam said.
