Body to investigate low-quality N-95 masks formed


Staff Reporter :
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare formed a committee on Sunday to investigate allegation that low-quality products were passed on as N-95 masks to some government hospitals.
Mask supplier CMSD was show-caused. After reviewing the allegation and the supplier’s response, the ministry formed a three-member investigation committee, a Health Ministry press release said.
The committee, headed by Directorate General of Health Services Additional Secretary Md Saidur Rahman, was asked to submit its report within three working days. Earlier, physicians of some government hospitals, including Mugda General Hospital, complained of receiving low-quality masks.
Bangladesh Doctors’ Foundation (BDF), a forum of physicians, on Monday, said 170 doctors – both at public and private hospitals – have been infected with coronavirus while treating patients.
“Personal protective equipment (PPE), quality gown, mask, gloves, and goggles are mandatory for doctors’ safety while treating COVID-19 patients,” said Nirupam Das, the chief administrator of the foundation.
Bangladesh has so far confirmed 2,948 coronavirus cases and 101 deaths.
Additional Director General of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Prof Dr Nasima Sultana on Monday said, “We’re in a great crisis”.
