Body to ensure transparency in climate-adaptation projects

Staff Reporter :
Climate experts at a roundtable on Tuesday urged the government to constitute a commission under the supervision of the Prime Minister to ensure transparency in the climate-adaptation projects in the country.
They also underscored the need for effective measures to get compensation from the industrially developed countries, which are largely responsible for the global warming.
Network on Climate Change, Bangladesh (NCCB) organized the programme on the implementation of climate change funds in Bangladesh at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) in the city.
Former Managing Director of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) Abdul Kuddus said without contributing to the causes of global warming, Bangladesh has become one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.
 “The industrially developed countries are responsible for the climate change and global warming. Though the developing countries are not responsible for that, they are the worst sufferers of natura l disasters, arising from the rapid climate changes. So, the government should take effective steps to get compensation from the developed countries,” he said.
Chief Executive of Center for Participatory Research and Development (CPRD) Mohammad Shamsuddoha said the government should not stop the allocations of BCCT. “Instead of stopping the allocations, the government should make it a corruption-free organization. It would give us a positive result to collect foreign funds,” he said.
Coordinator of NCCB Mizanur Rahman Bijoy, who presented the keynote paper in the roundtable, said the people living in the climate change-affected areas cannot have the opportunity to take part in the planning of climate adaptation projects.
“Government can involve them the planning and implementations of the projects through an amendment to the existing law. A climate change commission should be constituted under the supervision of the Prime Minister to increase the accountability in the use of climate funds,” he said.