Body of missing girl recovered from pond in Wazirpur

Barisal Correspondent :
Eight month old Mariam Begum became missing while sleeping with mother in home and after searching dead body of the child recovered from a nearby pond at Hostishunda village under Wazirpur upazila of Barisal on early Wednesday.
Nurul Islam, Wazirpur police station officer in charge, said Fatema Begum, 20, was living at the village home of her husband Nazrul Islam with only daughter Mariam and in-laws.
Nazrul Islam was working at marketing department of a private company in Dhaka.
Fatema Begum at about 1:30 AM Wednesday rushed to the police station complained that her only daughter became missing from bed and entrance door of the house was open.
Then police rushed to the spot and with the help of the locals searching the area recovered dead body of Mariam from a nearby pond at about 3:30 AM Wednesday.
The dead body of the victim sent to Barisal Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy.
Police interrogated mother Fatema Begum at home and detained Nurul Islam, grand father, and Abu Sufiyan, uncle of the victim, for interrogation in this connection on Wednesday.
Family sources alleged that Mawlana Selim, distant-cousin of Nazrul Islam, may abduct and kill Mariam in dispute over land properties.
Case would be lodged after father of the victim will reach home, quoting family sources the OC said.
