Body and Soul: Ways to take care of self

Care for spiritual side :
Get out in nature: To best feel spiritually fulfilled, step outside at least once a day to see the beauty in the natural world.
“What happens is that you’ve disconnected from things around you,” says Trattner. “Whether it’s the woods, the ocean, a lake or even a flower shop, by being in nature you’ll feel the powerful effects of harmonising with nature.”
Make it work by: leaving your electronic devices at your desk — or at least turned off — during your outdoor time. You can’t truly immerse yourself in nature if you’re distracted by a screen.
 Learn how to meditate: No matter what your religion or belief system, daily meditation can help you connect with your spiritual self. It can also help you find deeper purpose and meaning in your life.
Make it work by: choosing a set hour and space for your daily meditation. This makes it easier to keep to the habit, according to The New York Meditation Centre.
Plan to spend at least five minutes sitting quietly, focusing on your breathing.
Care for body
 Learn how to breathe – better: Turns out, one of our most basic functions — breathing – is something many of us are doing incorrectly. While most of us take upper body breaths, we should strive to take belly breaths that allow for the maximum flow of oxygen. “When you take a breath in, you should feel taller,” says Belisa Vranich, a clinical psychologist and author of Breathe. “But most of us are breathing from our upper bodies up near our shoulders.” Belly breathing can also help restore your energy, lower blood pressure, improve your sleep and even recharge your immune system.
 Make it work by:
Placing one hand on your abdomen, just below your belly button. As you breathe, relax your belly so that it expands when you inhale and contracts when you exhale. Your hand should rise and fall about an inch as you do.
 Find a trampoline (or a jump rope or hula hoop…):
Exercise doesn’t have to be dull or gruelling. If you loved bouncing on a trampoline or skipping rope when you were growing up, go for it now! The goal: to find an exercise regimen that’s fun and makes you feel engaged.
“We know exercise is as effective as antidepressants in improving mood and having a positive approach to life,” says Chronister. So grab your walking shoes or hula hoop and commit to getting your body moving for at least 20 minutes a day.
Make it work by: exercising early in the morning. You’ll feel energised all day and fall asleep more easily at night. Studies also show that you’re more likely to stick to a morning workout than an evening one. n