Bobita cries for death of her pet bird


Entertainment Report :
Internationally acclaimed Bangladeshi film actress Bobita is now outside the country for many days. Few months ago, she went to Canada to meet her only son, Anik. From Canada she went to USA two weeks ago to meet her two brothers – Iqbal Islam Swapan and Ferdous Islam Liton. This legendary actress is passing nice times on the bank of the River Hudson there. While talking with her over mobile phone on Friday morning this correspondent found the actress shared a news feeling sorrow.
Bobita shared that she had a pet bird Mynah, which was with her for last nine years, died few days ago. She felt very bad in this regard. Bobita said, “When I heard the death news of my pet bird from Dhaka I felt really bad. Mynah was part of my family members. I passed many times with the bird. The pet bird laughed like me and every morning, asked my where is Anik? The bird called me ‘Poppy Apa,’ also called ‘Khoda Hafez’ to see off someone. I felt crying after remembering these. But the bird Mynah might survive for long time. If I would remain in Dhaka, the bird could get better treatment. But that was not possible for me.” However, Bobita is passing times with her two younger brothers in USA now. Her elder brother Shahidul Islam Churchill is staying in Australia now. After passing two weeks in USA, the actress will again go to Canada to her son Anik. But Bobita yet no confirmed when she will return to Bangladesh. In USA, she also took booster dose of coronavirus.
